Year 3 Transition
We want our children to experience a smooth transition throughout their learning, so that the pace and quality of learning are maintained to ensure that children continue to make the very best progress.
We recognise that pupils can be vulnerable at stages of transition and so we implement a range of strategies and activities to ensure a smooth and happy transition.
Transition from Year 2 to Year 3
Year 2 pupils from Chater Infants School visit our school at least twice before they move up to Year 3. The pupils will meet their new Year 3 class teachers in July. Other opportunities for visits arise throughout the course of the year, where joint events are planned between Chater Junior and Chater Infants across the year groups. e.g. Year 1 Maths Fayre and reading and writing activities with Year 1 and Year 2.
The Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher visit the Infants to meet with the Year 2 parents in the Autumn Term. Soon after, Year 2 parents are invited to a tour of our school by the Head boy, Head girl and school councillors in the Autumn Term.
During the Summer Term, Year 2 parents are invited to our school where more information is given by the Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher.
Meetings also take place between the SENCOs from both schools and class teachers to gather information prior to pupils joining our school to ensure individual needs are met. The Year 3 class teachers also meet the Year 2 pupils to introduce themselves and an opportunity is given to the pupils to ask questions.
Transition from Year 6 to Secondary School
The children transfer to a wide range of secondary schools at the end of Year 6.
This is an exciting but anxious time for some children, and we ensure that they are supported by addressing these concerns during PSHE lessons and transition workshops are organised to help prepare the children for Secondary School.
Transition arrangements also include:
Formal meetings between the Year 6 teacher and the Year 7 tutors or Heads of receiving secondary schools. Year 6 children also meet secondary school staff and have an opportunity to ask questions.
Meetings are arranged between the SENCO at our school and SENCOs of receiving secondary schools. Some pupils will receive additional support before and after transition and all Year 6 pupils attend their prospective secondary schools for a Transition Day during the summer term. These visits are then followed up by the Year 6 class teachers.