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Chater Junior School



Technology is a huge part of modern life and it is important that our children understand how to harness it, engage with it responsibility and use it for their own benefit.  We want our children to be able to communicate confidently using a variety of tools available to them as well as create multimedia content to enrich their learning.  The impact of technology is wide ranging, so our children experiment with the role technology can have across the whole of the curriculum and into the rest of their lives.  We teach them to be responsible digital citizens who are astute consumers of technology, are able to safely navigate the online world and make informed choices as to how to use a range of connected devices. 

Computing Curriculum Map


At Chater Junior School, we ensure that our computing curriculum follows a clear progression of skills and ensures a full coverage of, ‘The National Curriculum programmes of study for Computing 2014’. The curriculum is adapted and extended to match all pupils’ needs and builds upon their prior knowledge and skills. Where possible, Computing is linked to other subjects to support pupils in developing links between subject areas. Computing is taught as one discrete unit per week as well as in and amongst other curriculum areas e.g. using word processing and PowerPoint skills in science, history etc. Pupils also use the Seesaw app regularly across all subjects and as a platform for homework.  

 Before teaching each unit, teachers will:

  • Plan using MR P ICT scheme of work.
  • Assess pupil’s prior knowledge and skills and use this to inform planning.
  • Use the progression of skills map to ensure topics are taught sequentially and build upon the previous years’ skills.
  • Plan leading up to a ‘big piece’ where pupils apply all skills learnt throughout a unit.
  • Use the Online Safety skills guide to plan in appropriate eSafety discussions and scenarios at the beginning of each lesson.

During each unit teachers will:

  • Create opportunities for pupils to use and explore a variety of technologies such as: microphones, iPads, desktop computers, micro: bit robots etc as well as a wide selection of software and apps.
  • Allow pupils to have access to the 15 desktop laptops as well as each year group having access to 30 iPads.
  • Continue to provide pupils with opportunities to develop their basic computing skills (save into a folder, copy and paste, undo etc.).
  • Provide pupils with opportunities to make links to other curriculum areas wherever possible.

At the end of each unit pupils will:

  • Produce a final ‘big piece’ using an appropriate choice of software and hardware.
  • Peer and self-assess their understanding of the unit and reflect on the computing skills they have understood.

After each unit teachers will:

  • Give feedback and ways to improve pupils’ work either verbally or via the Seesaw app.
  • Assess children which will inform their planning for the next unit of work


What will this look like?

Through pupil voice we will see:

  • - Pupils express their passion for Computing by talking enthusiastically about their learning and sharing their knowledge and understanding
  • - Pupils express how to be safe on a variety of different devices and through different medias.
  • - Pupils explain how they created their big piece detailing the technology they used and subject specific language.

Through learning walks we will see:

  • - Pupils demonstrating their love of Computing through their high levels of engagement.
  • - A clear sequence of lessons that allow pupils to acquire skills to make their ‘big piece’.
  • - Online Safety is frequently discussed including laws and regulations as well as responsible behavior.
  • - Experiment with different forms with IT to create content, use coding and present their work.

In the pupil’s learning we will see:

  • - A clear sequence of lessons that are linked to the ‘big piece’.
  • - Differentiated activities that allow all pupils to make progress.
  • - Pupils blending different types of technology to create their ‘big piece’.
  • - Using technology responsibly.
  • - Gradually acquiring skills across a unit of work.