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Chater Junior School

British Values

The definition of British Values was set out by the government in the 2011 Prevent Strategy and added to Ofsted inspection guidance in July 2014 “to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs”.

At Chater Junior School these are intertwined with our school vision: Making Lives Better and are underpinned by our 4 core values: passion, integrity, collaboration and resilience. British values are regularly promoted through our curriculum, high quality teaching, a rounded programme of assemblies and a positive behaviour policy.

This provision allows pupils to develop and demonstrate skills and attitudes that will allow them to participate fully in and contribute positively to life in modern Britain.

British values are promoted in our school in the following way:

Democracy – We elect members of the School Council, Head Boy, Head Girl and House Captains. They know they represent many voices.

The rule of law – We endeavour to follow the school rules and our class rules. We understand why we need rules to keep us safe, and that there are consequences if rules are broken.

Individual liberty – We are made to feel safe and supported. When we have a problem we are helped to solve it. We are encouraged to know, understand and exercise our rights and personal freedoms and advised how to exercise these safely, for example through our ESafety and PSHE lessons. There is also a significant focus on our responsibilities to ensure that we are also respectful about the rights of others. We understand the importance of listening to each other and the right to be able to disagree when discussing our viewpoints.

Mutual respect – We listen to each other and everyone has a learning partner. We respect each other and know our rights and responsibilities. A huge emphasis is placed on promoting and nurturing respectful relationships between all members of the community.

Tolerance – We value everybody and appreciate different faiths and cultures within the school and the wider community. Chater serves a very culturally rich community and this is celebrated in our curriculum, activities and commitment to ensure that all experiences are valued. Differences and similarities between cultures and ethnic groups, disability and gender and family situations are discussed during class and whole school activities. We are actively encouraged to share our knowledge to enhance learning within classes and the school. Visitors from and visits to different religious places of worship are actively encouraged. A majority of significant festivals and religious days are respected and there is a programme of visits to different places of worship. Any comments deemed as intolerant are treated highly sensitively.